Data Visualization

code for quiz 9

  1. Load the R packages we will use.
  1. Quiz Questions

Question: e_charts-1

Create a bar chart that shows the average hours Americans spend on five activities by year. Use the timeline argument to create an animation that will animate through the years.

spend_time  <-  read_csv("")


Start with spend_time

spend_time  %>% 
  group_by(year)  %>% 
  e_charts(x = activity , timeline = TRUE) %>%
  e_timeline_opts(autoPlay = TRUE)  %>% 
  e_bar(serie = avg_hours)  %>% 
  e_title(text = 'Average hours Americans spend per day on each activity')  %>% 
  e_legend(show = FALSE)  


Start with spend_time

spend_time  %>%
  mutate(year = paste(year, "12","31", sep = "-"))  %>% 
  mutate(year = lubridate::ymd(year))  %>% 
  group_by(activity)  %>%
  e_charts(x  = year)  %>% 
  e_line(serie = avg_hours)  %>% 
  e_tooltip()  %>% 
  e_title(text = 'Average hours Americans spend per day on each activity')  %>% 
  e_legend(top = 40) 

Modify slide 82

*Create a plot with the spend_time data assign year to the x-axis assign avg_hours to the y-axis assign activity to color

*ADD points with geom_point

*ADD geom_mark_ellipse filter on activity == “leisure/sports” description is “Americans spend the most time on leisure/sport”

ggplot(spend_time, aes(x = year, y = avg_hours , color = activity)) +
geom_point() +
geom_mark_ellipse(aes(filter = activity == "leisure/sports",
 description = "Americans spend on average more time each day on leisure/sports than the other activities"))

Modify the tidyquant example in the video

Retrieve stock price for Microsoft, ticker: MSFT, using tq_get

df  <- tq_get("MSFT", get = "stock.prices", 
          from = "2019-08-01", to = "2020-07-28" )

Create a plot with the df data

filter on a date to mark. Pick a date after looking at the line plot. Include the date in your Rmd code chunk. include a description of something that happened on that date from the pandemic timeline. Include the description in your Rmd code chunk fill the ellipse yellow

filter on the date that had the minimum close price. Include the date in your Rmd code chunk. include a description of something that happened on that date from the pandemic timeline. Include the description in your Rmd code chunk color the ellipse red

set the title to Microsoft set x to NULL set y to “Closing price per share” set caption to “Source:

ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y = close)) +
  geom_line() +
    filter = date == "2020-01-08",
    description = "Start of Coronavirus"
  ), fill = "yellow") +
   filter  =  date == "2020-03-23",
    description = "Start of lockdown"
  ), color = "red", ) +
    title = "Microsoft",
    x = NULL,
    y = "Closing price per share",
    caption = "Source:")

Save the previous plot to preview.png and add to the yaml chunk at the top

ggsave(filename = "preview.png", 
       path = here::here("_posts", "2021-04-20-data-visualization"))